Monday, 16 October 2017

A Beginner's Guide to Butcharts: The Photo Essay

Butchart Gardens is one of Victoria's defining tourist attractions, and proves a wonderful subject to photograph. This album skims through the major gardens within the Gardens, and hopefully, sparks some interest in the viewer to visit. Trust me, it's worth it.

Friday, 6 October 2017

Connected, but alone. . . The Discussion

Turkle’s discussion on society’s need for controlled connection is insightful. Her argument that texting allows people to have relationships at arm's-length demonstrates a harsh truth. People frequently hide behind screens, devising a perfect response instead of natural one, degrading their communication skills. Her idea that personal growth and relationships are aided through talking in real-time becomes logical.

That being said, she generalises in saying people want to connect with each other but without commitments; it depends on the relationship. If the people truly care, they will make time for each other face to face, online or off.