Thursday, 7 December 2017

The Vision Project

Hello! Working with fellow students Kyle Wilson, and Katia Martinez Gonzalez, with yours truly shooting, we helped create our own version of Michael Wesch's "A Vision of Students Today", only set just a bit further in the future of 2017.
Thank you to the Friday lab of CMNS 150 for working those signs!

Wednesday, 29 November 2017

The Balancing Act

Well, feel free to take a look at my last feature for Nexus. Profiling several students who happen to be parents, I take a look at their stories, their joys, their struggles, and what they do to balance it all.

Monday, 27 November 2017

Brushing Teeth

Whoops, I did not realise until yesterday that as part of making use of this blog, I have to post my audio assignment. Welp, a little late but better than never. Here is: brushing my teeth.

Sunday, 26 November 2017

Under the Clock

I'm giving myself ten minutes to write this blog post because I find if I give myself more time to do a project, I fall into the familiar trap of thinking "Oh, I have enough time to do this project, let me just check all of my social media accounts for the fifth time". This can be a frustrating cycle, and honestly, I'm sick of it. Placing myself under a timer aids my concentration, and puts me in right mind frame to get work done. 

Now, this is just my opinion, and this is just a random post on how I help discipline myself into getting work done. (A timer is probably a well-known method anyway). Two minutes left!
Thanks for reading, and that's all!

Monday, 16 October 2017

A Beginner's Guide to Butcharts: The Photo Essay

Butchart Gardens is one of Victoria's defining tourist attractions, and proves a wonderful subject to photograph. This album skims through the major gardens within the Gardens, and hopefully, sparks some interest in the viewer to visit. Trust me, it's worth it.

Friday, 6 October 2017

Connected, but alone. . . The Discussion

Turkle’s discussion on society’s need for controlled connection is insightful. Her argument that texting allows people to have relationships at arm's-length demonstrates a harsh truth. People frequently hide behind screens, devising a perfect response instead of natural one, degrading their communication skills. Her idea that personal growth and relationships are aided through talking in real-time becomes logical.

That being said, she generalises in saying people want to connect with each other but without commitments; it depends on the relationship. If the people truly care, they will make time for each other face to face, online or off.