Wednesday 29 November 2017

The Balancing Act

Well, feel free to take a look at my last feature for Nexus. Profiling several students who happen to be parents, I take a look at their stories, their joys, their struggles, and what they do to balance it all.

Monday 27 November 2017

Brushing Teeth

Whoops, I did not realise until yesterday that as part of making use of this blog, I have to post my audio assignment. Welp, a little late but better than never. Here is: brushing my teeth.

Sunday 26 November 2017

Under the Clock

I'm giving myself ten minutes to write this blog post because I find if I give myself more time to do a project, I fall into the familiar trap of thinking "Oh, I have enough time to do this project, let me just check all of my social media accounts for the fifth time". This can be a frustrating cycle, and honestly, I'm sick of it. Placing myself under a timer aids my concentration, and puts me in right mind frame to get work done. 

Now, this is just my opinion, and this is just a random post on how I help discipline myself into getting work done. (A timer is probably a well-known method anyway). Two minutes left!
Thanks for reading, and that's all!